
Client Stories

“Annika’” Was Terribly Scared

“Annika’” Was Terribly Scared

“Annika” was struggling to care for herself and her children. She felt like she’d finally found peace after freeing herself from an abusive ex. She’d worked very hard to sever all ties with him, and then the pregnancy test result was positive. Pregnant? Pregnant! She...

“Annika’” Was Terribly Scared

“Annika” was struggling to care for herself and her children. She felt like she’d finally found peace after freeing herself from an abusive ex. She’d worked very hard to sever all ties with him, and then the pregnancy test result was positive. Pregnant? Pregnant! She...

“Annika’” Was Terribly Scared

“Annika” was struggling to care for herself and her children. She felt like she’d finally found peace after freeing herself from an abusive ex. She’d worked very hard to sever all ties with him, and then the pregnancy test result was positive. Pregnant? Pregnant! She...

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One Mom’s Bold Decision

One Mom’s Bold Decision

It’s one thing for an abortion-determined woman to courageously change her mind and choose life. It’s another for that same woman to go on...

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Rise Up for Life

Rise Up for Life

In the time it takes to watch this video, 4 children will be aborted in America. 3,500 lives are lost to abortion each day in America. 1...

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