Client Stories

“Katie’s” Lifechanging Story
Katie just needed some help and reassurance She didn’t want to abort her child, or at least she hadn’t made up her mind. Katie was pregnant and she didn’t know if she would be able to take care of another child. Currently raising three children, the youngest just...
“Katie’s” Lifechanging Story
Katie just needed some help and reassurance She didn’t want to abort her child, or at least she hadn’t made up her mind. Katie was pregnant and she didn’t know if she would be able to take care of another child. Currently raising three children, the youngest just...
“Katie’s” Lifechanging Story
Katie just needed some help and reassurance She didn’t want to abort her child, or at least she hadn’t made up her mind. Katie was pregnant and she didn’t know if she would be able to take care of another child. Currently raising three children, the youngest just...

“Nola” Is Not Giving Up
“Nola” came to our Raleigh Women’s Care Clinic after a home pregnancy test revealed she was pregnant. Again. With a young child at home,...

“Jaycee’s” Story
“Jaycee” visited our Human Coalition Women’s Care Clinic after a home test confirmed her pregnancy. As a single mom to three rambunctious...

“Monica’s” Story
“Monica” already had four children when she discovered she was pregnant. Although the father of the baby and Monica were no longer in a...

Naomi’s Story
“Naomi” wasn’t ready to be a mother again. Struggling with health issues and lack of employment, she already had her hands full parenting...

“Mark’s” Story
Stacy was enjoying a more carefree stage of life when she learned she was pregnant. With three teenage boys, she couldn’t imagine going...

“Kenzie’s” Heart Began to Soften
“Kenzie” was suffering with grief and pain from a previous abortion when she learned she was pregnant again. How could she have let this...

“Alexandra’s” Story
For the past three years, “Alexandra” had been using what she believed was a reliable form of birth control. So when the early symptoms of...

“Jaycee’s” Story
“Jaycee” visited our Grapevine Women’s Care Clinic after a home test confirmed her pregnancy. As a single mom to three rambunctious boys –...

“Brittany’s” Story
After a bad relationship turned ugly, all “Brittany” wanted to do was start over and be free of her boyfriend. But then the pregnancy test...

Life Decision – “Tory’s” Story
“Tory’s” only child was now grown and living on his own. And starting over with a baby was not in her plans. As an adult student at the...