
“Penelope” Wanted a Fresh Start

Penelope Main LD

The last thing “Penelope” wanted was to be pregnant. She had just gotten out of an abusive relationship and wanted a fresh start. But she hadn’t been feeling well recently. Penelope had a hunch what might be causing her illness, and she began making calls for information about abortion – just in case.

One of her calls was to Human Coalition’s Contact Center. After compassionately listening as Penelope talked through her panic, the call agent reassured Penelope and scheduled an appointment for her at our women’s care clinic in Atlanta, so she could find out for sure if she was pregnant.

During her appointment at the clinic, Penelope told her counselor she was trying to get back on her feet financially, and she’d recently found a man who cared for and respected her. When her pregnancy test came back positive, the clinic staff offered Penelope a free ultrasound. She couldn’t believe she was more than halfway through her pregnancy already. But on the ultrasound monitor, she watched her fully formed baby wiggling and moving around.

Penelope’s counselor reassured her that she wasn’t alone and there were resources available to help her restart her life while raising her baby. As our staff continued to follow up with Penelope and encouraged her during the weeks after her initial appointment, Penelope shared that she’d chosen to keep her baby and restart her life with her child!

It’s through your ongoing support that Penelope felt supported and loved enough to choose life for her child. Thank you for giving so generously to our mission of serving families and rescuing children from abortion. On behalf of Penelope and her child, thank you for your commitment to provide life-affirming, Christ-centered care to at-risk women in Atlanta. We truly appreciate you!