
“Rebekah and Nathan’s” Story

Rebekah and NathanMain LD

A routine visit to the doctor revealed something unexpected: “Rebekah” was pregnant. Shaken by the news, she immediately told her boyfriend “Nathan,” and together they searched online for abortion information.

Rebekah had health problems, but they paled in comparison to the emotional scars left by the repeated sexual abuse she’d endured as a child. Now a freshman in college with a full scholarship, Rebekah hoped to rise above her past horrors and physical limitations. So she believed a baby would only jeopardize her journey.

Their online search led Rebekah and Nathan to our women’s care clinic, where the staff greeted this young couple with compassion and gentleness. And our medical team took the time to answer all of their questions. During the ultrasound, Rebekah saw a 5-week-old baby on the monitor. And on their way out of the clinic, she and Nathan were shown the Baby Boutique, and they also met with the instructor of our parenting classes.

A week later, the couple returned to our clinic. This time, Rebekah talked about adoption and the blessing her baby could be to a childless couple. But Nathan disagreed. As far as he was concerned, adoption was out of the question.

The couple left their second appointment with a greater understanding about their pregnancy and the risks associated with abortion. But they left with something far more valuable – a picture of their tiny baby.

Rebekah and Nathan found the courage to tell their parents about the pregnancy. And to their surprise, the grandparents accepted the news with joy. Over the next several months, Rebekah and Nathan became regulars at our clinic, excelling in our free parenting classes and picking up items from the Baby Boutique.

Now whenever they enter our doors, they come as a family of three with baby “Daisy” in tow. From the expressions on her parents’ faces, it’s clear that giving Daisy a chance at life was the best decision they ever made.