
Should Fathers Have a Say in the Decision to Abort?

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If you listened only to the news media and politicians, you’d be convinced that abortion is a “woman’s issue” and that only she can decide what’s best for her.Sadly, as pervasive as this message is, it’s also utterly false. You see, at Human Coalition we know abortion affects not only the woman—who likely will face deep emotional scars following her abortion—but also the child‘s father who legally has no say in the decision. Oftentimes the man doesn’t even know about the pregnancy; many times he does know, but he is estranged from the woman. However, there are many other occasions in which the baby’s father doesn’t want the woman to abort; yet he feels unqualified to stand between his partner and her reproductive freedom. I want to share a story about such a man:
On the day after Christmas, Nicole called one of our life-affirming centers to discuss her unplanned pregnancy. She’d already taken two home pregnancy tests that were both positive. After searching online for an abortion clinic, she was connected to a pregnancy resource center in her community. Despite the fact that she was married and already had a child, Nicole was determined to have an abortion. However, she agreed to go to the center to get an ultrasound, so she could find out how far along her pregnancy was.

Later that day, Nicole and her husband arrived at the center. While Nicole was getting her ultrasound, her husband Jeremy sat silently in the waiting room. A trained counselor soon struck up a conversation with him, and Jeremy talked openly about being a good provider and an engaged father. But he also confessed that he felt powerless to stop his wife from seeking an abortion.

The counselor gently explained to Jeremy that he must have the courage to advocate for his child. Instead of abdicating his role as the father, he must embrace it and fight for the life of his child.

Before Nicole and Jeremy left the center that day, the counselor had the opportunity to pray with them and remind them that every life is sacred.

A few days later, the counselor followed up with a phone call. The conversation that transpired was amazing. Jeremy shared that he’d continued to speak up for his child and made his feelings known to his wife. Nicole, meanwhile, had been reading the literature that the counselor gave her, and she was seriously considering her options. Jeremy was ecstatic when he told the counselor that his wife had chosen life for their child!

I tell you this story to remind you that behind every unplanned pregnancy are two parents who hold the destiny of their child in their hands. While society may want us to believe that abortion is solely a woman’s issue, the truth is that it also affects the father. This story, and many others like it, illustrates that men can and should play a significant role in rescuing their unborn babies from abortion.
That is why at Human Coalition we strive to connect both men and women with our life-affirming centers where skilled counselors are waiting to talk with both parents. We also encourage men to become more actively involved in speaking up for their unborn children.

Abortion is not a woman’s issue . . . it’s not a man’s issue . . . it’s a human issue that touches all of us. And no gender, race, or religion is exempt from speaking up for the unborn.

Join us as we reach out to moms and dads with the truth about life that will save their unborn children. Your financial gift will help Human Coalition connect even more abortion-determined individuals with compassionate, life-affirming counselors in their area.

Give to Human Coalition today so that every child can make their mark.