“Tina’s” Story

TinaMain LD

When “Tina” first called our clinic to make an appointment, she was lost in a fog of confusion. Haunted by a previous abortion, she’d tried to bury her pain through drug use. Now, unexpectedly pregnant and struggling from withdrawal symptoms, Tina stood on the precipice of hopelessness.

Although she had a steady job, she didn’t have the salary or benefits to support a child. During our first meeting, we introduced Tina to our Continuum of Care Coordinator, who then introduced Tina to the myriad of social services available. In the course of the next few weeks, we assisted Tina in securing a better-paying job with added benefits, including health insurance.

With renewed confidence, Tina began looking forward to meeting her baby. For the next several months, she took advantage of our free parenting classes and other resources available through Human Coalition.

In the first week of December, Tina received an early Christmas gift: a beautiful baby girl who is healthy and happy.

Thank you for pouring into our mission so we might extend life-affirming help and hope to Tina. Because of your commitment to Human Coalition, Tina received the care and support she needed to choose life for her baby.