
From Two Scary Blue Lines to a Glimmer of Hope — Katie and Morgan’s Story

life decision orange

Katie now looks back on that day with disbelief. There they were, clear as day…two blue lines across the pregnancy test indicator window. She describes that moment as “time standing still.” Thoughts swirled through her head — about her father who had abandoned her…her mother who struggled to put food on the table…her grandparents who were already burdened with their own financial challenges. How disappointed they would all be in her. Finally, Katie’s thoughts turned to her boyfriend. Was he in this relationship for the long run? Or would he abandon her too?


Feeling she had no choice, Katie sat down at her computer to search for a place that would, as she explains it, “take care of my problem.” The Internet was discreet and private; no one would ever have to know. The first search result that came up on the screen was an Human Coalition helpline number. She dialed the number, but what happened next changed everything.

The representative who answered the phone explained that the pregnancy resource center didn’t perform or refer for abortions. Surprised, Katie considered hanging up. “But the woman I spoke with was kind, interested, and honest. For the first time in days, I felt a glimmer of hope,” Katie says.

The representative encouraged Katie to go to the center for a pregnancy test and a free ultrasound. So Katie scheduled an appointment…and kept it.

When Katie entered the center, a staff member named Terry greeted Katie with compassion and then openly discussed Katie’s pregnancy, the baby, and all of her options. Looking back on that day, Katie says, “Terry took so much time with me. She acted as if she had all the time in the world to spend with me.”

Within minutes of their conversation, Katie began picturing herself as a mom. “She gave me so much to consider…things I’d refused to let myself consider. Like being a mom…what could that life look like?” For the second time in as many days, another glimmer of hope filled Katie’s heart.

In the ultrasound room, the nurse pointed to the image on the screen…there was the baby — Katie’s baby. The nurse moved the probe across Katie’s belly and answered her questions about abortion.

“I always thought abortion was no big deal. But as the nurse talked, it sounded like a big deal,” Katie says.

As the ultrasound continued, Katie turned back to the image of her 20-week-old baby on the screen. She recalls thinking, That is not a clump of cells…that is a baby. And the baby even moved all around, kicking her legs and sucking her thumb.

Katie said to the nurse, “My baby is sucking her thumb!”

Months later, Katie talked to that nurse again after she’d given birth to a beautiful baby girl she named Morgan.

“She brings so much joy to everyone, I could not imagine life without her,” Katie exclaims, giving her baby girl a squeeze.

Katie’s testimony is more than just a story about a mom and her baby. It’s a story of caring and compassionate individuals giving their time and resources to help a woman in crisis. Her journey began with one Internet search…followed by a phone call…which led to an appointment…and finally culminated in the life of her baby girl, Morgan.

Now you can help write another life story.

Today, thousands of women just like Katie will search the Internet for answers about their unplanned pregnancies. With your help, Human Coalition can be there for them — through the Internet — and lead them to their local pregnancy resource center where women like Terry are waiting to help.

For an annual gift of just $265 — just $22 a month — you can help rescue a mother and her child from the devastation of abortion.  That’s less than a dollar a day to help Human Coalition reach abortion-determined women and guide them to their local life-affirming center.

Imagine the stories that could be written because you gave to Human Coalition.

Since giving birth, Katie has graduated from high school, and she’s taking six months off to bond with Morgan before she begins the next stage of her life.

At Human Coalition we celebrate Katie’s life decision, and we look forward to partnering with you to help other women choose LIFE for their unborn children.