Watch the Martin Family’s Incredible Story of Life!

Martins Story


With over 100 staff members, the Human Coalition team comes from various backgrounds, religions, and ethnic groups. But we all have one thing in common: We are passionately and unapologetically pro-life, and we have dedicated our lives to rescuing babies and families from abortion. We also believe it’s important to periodically remind our supporters and friends why we do what we do.

As one of the largest pro-life organizations in the country — with over 1 milliion fans on Facebook and over 11,000 followers on Twitter — we feel it’s imperative that we live out our cause beyond our regular office hours. And we don’t take that responsibility lightly. For many of us, laboring for the cause of LIFE is more than just a job; it encompasses everything we do.

One fellow laborer who’s demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to LIFE is Sean Martin. Sean joined Human Coalition in 2012, which prompted him to move his family across the country from Connecticut to Texas. But long before that, Sean and his wife Jill were already living out their commitment to the sacredness of life through their children—nine of whom are adopted and have special needs.

To meet Sean and Jill is to be in the presence of LIFE…Please take a moment and experience for yourself this beautiful, LIFE-honoring family. Like the entire staff here at Human Coalition, I’m sure you’ll agree that the Martins are the very essence of what it means to be “pro-life.”

Please share Sean’s story with your social community, friends and family. May we all be moved and challenged to grow in our commitment to the pro-life cause.