
“Yolanda” Took the Abortion Pill but …

Yolanda Main LD

“Yolanda” was actively seeking an abortion. She’d taken the Plan B abortion pill, but it didn’t terminate her pregnancy. Yolanda was already the mother of one young child, and she was no longer in a relationship with her child’s father. So she was scared to go through this pregnancy alone. She was also afraid she’d lose her job if her employer found out she was pregnant.

When Yolanda came into the women’s care clinic, she explained to her counselor that abortion went against her beliefs and that her relationship with God was very important to her. Therefore, she knew she needed to take more time to think about her decision. Yolanda was struggling to pay for daycare for one child, so she had no idea how she was going to be able to afford daycare for two.

Christ-centered care

Through our Continuum of Care program, we got Yolanda the help and support she needed. As Yolanda’s counselor continued to follow up with her, Yolanda gained more confidence in herself and her ability to parent two small children. And now she and her baby boy, “Treavor,” are doing well. Yolanda is still working, she has her own place to live, and she is connecting with others at her local church.

Because of you

It’s through your ongoing support that Yolanda felt loved and supported enough to choose life for Treavor. Thank you for giving so generously to our mission of serving families and rescuing children from abortion. On behalf of Yolanda and Treavor, thank you for your commitment to provide life-affirming, Christ-centered care to at-risk women. We truly appreciate you!