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See How You’re Reaching Nashville
Don’t miss this powerful story of how a pregnancy center in the heart of Nashville is reaching women and saving lives from abortion!
End of Year 2023 Prayer Points
Join us in prayer this Holiday season! Here are some things you can be praying for.
The Best Gift Ever
See how a gift from one of Human Coalition's allies, Embrace Grace empowered Selinda to choose life!
Exclusive David Platt Interview
Benjamin Watson sits down with influential pastor, David Platt and asks him about removing obstacles in the pro-life movement
Life is Beautiful – Christina’s Story
Like #EveryMom facing a crisis pregnancy, Christina felt overwhelmed by her circumstances. But in the abortion procedure room of Planned Parenthood, she saw something that changed her mind…
Pro-life Lawyer Refutes Planned Parenthood’s Lies
Rooted in Racism
Dean Nelson discusses the racist roots of Planned Parenthood in this insightful video .
Rare Disease Day – (Hope’s Story)
Take a minute to watch Hope’s story and be encouraged by the impact you’re making as you defend and protect life, regardless of health.