
Rare Disease Day - (Hope's Story)

A while back, Human Coalition found some inspiration from Hudson Taylor, who was a missionary to China toward the end of the twentieth century. He famously stated: “There are three stages to every great work of God; first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.” His quote is posted on a wall in Human Coalition’s corporate office as a reminder of what all of us are striving for each day: the end of abortion. And that’s why I wanted to share the video above with you today. I hope it will keep the fire inside to end abortion burning strong, even when it seems too hard. And don’t forget: If you’d like to make abortion unthinkable and unnecessary, you can join a special group of donors called Rescue Partners today! www.HumanCoalition.org/Rescue-Partners/I recently heard a story from a close friend of mine that I think you’d be encouraged to hear.  You see, today is Rare Disease Day and with you, I celebrate all the mothers and fathers who raise children suffering from rare and uncommon disorders. Unfortunately, children with such a diagnosis are caught in the crosshairs of the abortion industry because genetic testing in the womb can reveal complications. And sadly, this prompts many parents to abort.   Please take a minute to watch Hope’s story and be encouraged by the impact you’re making as you defend and protect life, regardless of health. If you’d like to rescue the next child and their mom from abortion, please give a gift today: https://www.humancoalition.org/donate/save-a-child/