
Become a…

LET GO of unhealthy relationships.
Does your friendship/dating relationship exhibit kindness, respect, patience, good communication, self-control, etc.? If the answer is no, ask yourself whether or not the other person is really worth your time.
EDUCATE yourself on issues that affect you.
Assess your own risk for sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancy, and emotional consequences. Learn to be discerning (wise) about the shows and movies you watch and the music you listen to. Don’t tempt yourself-what you see and hear does influence the way you act!
ALLOW others to hold you accountable for your choices.
Find a friend of the same sex who also wants to wait for sex, and help each other stick to the standards you’ve set. It’s always easier to resist pressure when you don’t have to do it alone. Check in before and after your dates to encourage the other person.
DECIDE now what standards you will set.
Make decisions now about where you stand on drinking, drug use, and sexual activity. Don’t wait until you are in the “heat of the moment” to decide. If you don’t take a firm stand on these issues, someone else will make your decision for you.
EXERCISE self-control in all areas of your life.
Self-control: self-discipline, willpower, restraint of one’s emotions and actions (dictionary.com)
RUN from high-pressure situations.
Don’t date people who are sexually active. If you don’t know, ask! Double-date as often as possible or go out in a group. Don’t lie down horizontally together, even to watch TV. Don’t go “parking” or spend time with your partner in places where you are isolated.
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Happy Thanksgiving from Jeff Bradford

See how you can support the Fort Worth clinic through prayer today!


“She deserved the purse.”

Those four words have resonated with over 20.5 million viewers across social media recently, sparking a beautiful movement of generosity. It all started with a social post from a Human Coalition employee, which has since gone viral...


Finding a Broader Purpose — Brooks Family

Hear the heart of the Brooks family and why Human Coalition is special to them!


Thank You For Making Beauty From Ashes a Best Seller!

Beauty From Ashes made it on the Amazon bestseller list!


Abortion Memorial — Jeff and Tricia Bradford

Abortion Memorial is a place for quiet confession and sharing one's deepest feelings after an abortion. Join Jeff and Tricia as they reveal some real posts from both men and women who have personal experiences with abortion.


Kristin’s Prayer Points Video

See how you can support the Fort Worth clinic through prayer today!


Overcoming the Trauma of Abortion

Jeff and Tricia sit down with Aniela Chis, Human Coalition's Director of Church Partnerships and discuss her abortion to redemption journey.


Kat Nguyen – Prayer Points

See how you can support the Grapevine clinic through prayer today!


Beauty From Ashes Book Trailer

Thousands of moms are celebrating Mother's Day with their children because of you!


Mother’s Day 2024

Thousands of moms are celebrating Mother's Day with their children because of you!


Marlena’s Story

Because of your support, you empowered Mary to choose life!


Mary’s Story

Because of your support, you empowered Mary to choose life!


Addison’s Story

Watch this incredible story to see how your lifesaving donation empowered Addison's mom to choose life!


Raleigh Prayer Points

Prayer changes things. See how you can support the Raleigh clinic through prayer today!


Prayer Points – Pittsburgh Clinic

Your prayers make a difference. See how you can support the Pittsburgh clinic through prayer today!


Savannah’s Story

After enduring a difficult childhood in an unstable home and in foster care, Savannah learned she was pregnant. I invite you to watch Savannah’s story, where she not only chose life for her daughter, Chapel (Chappy), but also chose the gift of adoption!


Merry Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas! I recorded a special message for you that highlights a few particular stories that stand out as examples of how you’re transforming lives. Check it out now!


Write The Next Chapter

Every story deserves to be told. Watch this inspiring video to be reminded of why you play such an important role in writing the the first of many chapters in the next child's life.


Happy Thanksgiving 2023!

Please take a moment to watch this special video. You’ll hear more about the lifesaving impact you made possible this year.


Full Hands- Cynthia’s Story

Watch this incredible story to see how you empowered Cynthia to choose life for her twins!


See How You’re Reaching Nashville

Don’t miss this powerful story of how a pregnancy center in the heart of Nashville is reaching women and saving lives from abortion!


End of Year 2023 Prayer Points

Join us in prayer this Holiday season! Here are some things you can be praying for.


Planned Parenthood: A Eugenics Institution

Planned Parenthood's History Is More Evil Than You Think. Watch to find out why!


Take Back What Is Done – Part 2

You won't want to miss this powerful story of bravery!


Take Back What Is Done – Part 1

You won't want to miss this powerful story of bravery!


The Best Gift Ever

See how a gift from one of Human Coalition's allies, Embrace Grace empowered Selinda to choose life!


Exclusive David Platt Interview

Benjamin Watson sits down with influential pastor, David Platt and asks him about removing obstacles in the pro-life movement


Every Day is Mother’s Day

#EveryMom deserves the chance to choose life for her child and that's why we believe every day should be Mother's Day!


Life is Beautiful – Christina’s Story

Like #EveryMom facing a crisis pregnancy, Christina felt overwhelmed by her circumstances. But in the abortion procedure room of Planned Parenthood, she saw something that changed her mind…


Rooted in Racism

Dean Nelson discusses the racist roots of Planned Parenthood in this insightful video .


Rare Disease Day – (Hope’s Story)

Take a minute to watch Hope’s story and be encouraged by the impact you’re making as you defend and protect life, regardless of health.


Jaria’s Story

Jaria was overwhelmed by her circumstances but your support empowered her to choose LIFE. Watch her story here!


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I pray that you have a blessed day celebrating the birth of Christ.


Gloria’s Testimony

Gloria shares her inspiring story of faith and life!


Be Encouraged By Chad Hennings

Three time Super Champion, Chad Hennings Shares his story about why he choses to give to Human Coalition!


Jacqueline’s Story

Jacqueline was overwhelmed by her circumstances but your support empowered her to choose LIFE. Watch her story here!


Roe is Overturned!

The moment pro-lifers like you have worked and prayed for since 1973 has come to fruition: the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade once and for all!  


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope you are having a great day celebrating the birth of our Savior with all those closest to you.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Because of your prayers and support over the last year, thousands of moms have been reached, their children have been rescued from abortion, and their entire families have been transformed.


Fall 2021 Ministry Update

Thanks to your prayers and support, there have been some incredible developments at Human Coalition in the last few months.


Cherri’s Story of Hope

When Cherri was confused and desperate, because of your lifesaving support, Human Coalition was there to help. You provided the hope and help she needed to choose life. Thank you for empowering moms like her!


Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report Highlights

Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report Highlights


A Special Thank You Message

A Special Thank You Message


Morgan and Joseph’s Story

Morgan and Joseph had only been dating for a few months. Their living arrangements were complicated. And they were in a tough financial situation. But what happened next is what Joseph calls “a miracle of God.”


YOUR Lifesaving Impact in the Lives of Real Moms and Their Families

YOUR Lifesaving Impact in the Lives of Real Moms and Their Families


Your Impact on the National Rescue System

Your Impact on the National Rescue System


Why Human Coalition – With Benjamin Watson

Why Human Coalition, Benjamin Watson


Merry Christmas

Benjamin Watson, Merry Christmas


Happy Thanksgiving!

Jeff Bradford, Happy Thanksgiving


Morgan and Joseph’s Story

Morgan and Joseph had only been dating for a few months. Their living arrangements were complicated. And they were in a tough financial situation. But what happened next is what Joseph calls “a miracle of God.”


Audrey’s Story

“Audrey” felt like abortion was the only option for her. But your support ensured that “Audrey,” got the help and hope she needed to choose life! Watch her story >>


Cinthia’s Story

“Cinthia” had just gotten out of an abusive relationship and was on the verge of homelessness when she found out she was pregnant. She was in desperate need of long-term assistance to feel empowered to choose life and bring her family back to stability. That’s where Human Coalition’s Continuum of Care program stepped in. Watch her story.


Jenn’s Story

“Jenn” was on her way to an appointment at Planned Parenthood when she found one of Human Coalition’s life-affirming women’s care clinics. Then, everything changed.


Lakeisha’s Story

When we met Lakeisha, she was pregnant with her fifth child. She had recently moved out of her house and was living in one room with all of her children.


Lola’s Story

Lola's story represents a love that reaches, rescues, and restores, the love of Christ.


Human Coalition Speaking at ProLifeCon 2020 – Digital Action Summit

Chris Baggett, Vice President of Development speaks about what Human Coalition is doing to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable and shares ways that anyone can tangibly join the movement.


It’s Been A Fabulous Year… Because of You!

I’m daily reminded of the power and the impact of your prayers and of your giving.


Darlene’s Story of Hope

"Darlene’s" determination to build a future for her and her family, despite the significant hurdles in front of her, is truly inspiring.


Teneisha’s Story

Most of the time, people don’t think about how incredible it is to be able to take a hot shower or climb into bed and pull up the clean, crisp sheets and fall asleep. They don’t worry about where they can brush their teeth or getting up to use the restroom in the middle of the night. They just do it... But for Teneisha, life was anything but normal.


Teyuon’s Story

For Teyuon, life had never been easy. “My mom was on drugs, and she struggled with that demon her whole life.” With no mother or family support, and with the father of her child pushing her to abort, Teyuon felt completely alone, abandoned to handle her second pregnancy by herself.


What Is The Church’s Role Regarding Abortion?

Christ Chapel Bible Church's Local Outreach Director Lance Cashion speaks out on the Church’s responsibility to address abortion.


Allani’s Story

Allani's life hadn’t been easy. She was in the foster care system for most of her younger years, until one of the foster families adopted Allani and her siblings. However, when her adoptive father suddenly died, Allani’s home life became strained – resulting in her adoptive mother pushing Allani and her twin sister out of the family home.


Rodnesha and Jeremie’s Story

Although the odds seemed stacked against Rodnesha and Jeremie, they made the courageous decision to choose life! 


A Lifetime Connection: Jessica and Carl’s Story

Poor and desperate, Jessica and her husband Carl visited our women’s care clinic determined to have an abortion. “We didn’t have any money to buy what a baby would need,” Jessica recalls. “But then the caregiver assured us, ‘we can help you with that.’” That’s when Jessica’s outlook changed.


Christina’s Story

When Christina discovered she was pregnant, she had recently lost her home and had no where to go. Everything changed the day she walked onto Human Coalition's Mobile Women's Care Clinic.


A World Without Abortion

Imagine what a world without abortion would be like.


Abortion: The New Civil Rights Fight

Dean Nelson discusses the parallel between the fight to abolish slavery and the fight to abolish abortion.


The Future of the Pro-Life Movement

How are pregnant and abortion-determined women aided by the pro-life movement?


Meet Two Families

No two Human Coalition supporters are the same. Meet two families whose very different life experiences led them to become Human Coalition donors.


Planned Parenthood Is a Corrupt and Racist Organization

Dean Nelson discusses Congress's failure to defund Planned Parenthood and what next steps might be taken to extend care to underserved women.


Dean Nelson on Tipping Point

Dean Nelson discusses Congress's failure to defund Planned Parenthood and what next steps might be taken to extend care to underserved women.


Stacey’s Story

Stacey was convinced she should take "the easy route." When her partner, Mark, found our women's care clinic, her story took another direction.


Kelly’s Story

Kelly was full of despair when she entered our women’s care clinic.


Untold Stories

At conception, the spiritual material that is our humanness is present in the womb. To take that life is an affront to God because all people reflect or bear His image.


Church Outreach

Gospel-centric, positive culture change occurs through the influence of the Church.


Continuum of Care

Human Coalition is committed to the child and family even after the crisis has passed.


Abby Chose Abortion

Abby was afraid of losing the things she had built for herself; she was afraid of the truth.


Robin’s Story

This is a story that needs to be shared time and time again. Please help us preserve this story and spread the joy Robin found in choosing life.


Shandriell’s Story

Shandriell had a lot working against her. She was a student, she wasn’t working, and she had a 2-year-old child to take care of. A pregnancy was just not part of her plans. But one call to a life-affirming pregnancy resource center changed everything...


Jen’s Story

Like thousands of women every month, Jennifer searched the Internet for abortion-related information. Her Search led her to a life-affirming pregnancy center operated by Human Coalition...


The Martin’s Story

With more than 100 staff members, the Human Coalition team comes from various backgrounds, religions, and ethnic groups. But we all have one thing in common: We are passionately and unapologetically pro-life, and we have dedicated our lives to rescuing children and families from abortion. We also believe it’s important to periodically remind our supporters and friends why we do what we do.


DeAnna’s Story

DeAnna’s story is a powerful reminder of how your gift helps save lives. That beautiful 6 pound 4 ounce baby boy is alive today because people like you chose to give to Human Coalition.


Cherri’s story

When Cherri was confused and desperate, Human Coalition was there to help. We passionately strive to be there for all women and men as they make decisions about their unexpected pregnancy.


Asharah’s Story

Ashara Chooses life.


Abby’s Story

A 19-year-old woman (I’ll call her Abby) went online in PA searching for an abortion provider. Already the mother of a 3 year old, she told herself, “I’m just not ready for this.”...


Anna’s Story

Sometimes winning the battle for preborn children means helping women break the cycle of multiple abortions. And breaking that cycle means empowering the mother to make a different choice...


Mother’s Day

Take time today to say "thank you, mom, for giving me life".


When Is a Smile Worth Less?

Perhaps it's the day you found the lump that changed your life... or maybe it's the day you received the unexpected phone call you never wanted ...


My Life: Baylee’s Story

It's easy to lose focus of what matters most. Watch what life would would be like for babies like Baylee . . . and things are back in perspective.


Rise Up For Life

3,500 lives are lost to abortion each day in America. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in abortion. Since 1974, well over 54 million Americans have been denied their right to life....


Deliver Us From Abortion 2

by Brian E. Fisher


Deliver Us From Abortion

by Brian E. Fisher