Media Alerts

For Immediate Release  |  July 16, 2019   Lauren Enriquez [email protected]  Statement On Leana Wen’s Departure From Planned Parenthood  PLANO – Today, Leana Wen was removed from her post at the helm of Planned Parenthood. Wen cited “philosophical differences” as the basis of her removal, but one thing is clear: however Planned Parenthood’s philosophy differs from that of Leana Wen, abortion will undoubtedly remain the centerpiece of the organization.   During her…

For Immediate Release  |  July 16, 2019  
Lauren Enriquez [email protected] 

Statement On Leana Wen’s Departure From Planned Parenthood 

PLANO – Today, Leana Wen was removed from her post at the helm of Planned Parenthood. Wen cited “philosophical differences” as the basis of her removal, but one thing is clear: however Planned Parenthood’s philosophy differs from that of Leana Wen, abortion will undoubtedly remain the centerpiece of the organization.  

During her eight months as head of Planned Parenthood, Wen – a medical doctor –presided over the slaughter of approximately a quarter-million children, based on average numbers reported by Planned Parenthood each year. Wen spearheaded Planned Parenthood’s propagation of the lie that “abortion is healthcare” – a lie that was aided and disseminated by Wen’s countless media and cultural allies. 

Brian Fisher, President of Human Coalition, stated: 

“We fully expect Planned Parenthood to continue to abort precious human beings, exploit their mothers, and lie to the culture at large.    

“Human Coalition, however, is committed to the mission of making abortion unthinkable and unavailable, and we remain focused on reaching and extending hope and life to the women and children Planned Parenthood targets for exploitation and destruction every day.” 


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 


For Immediate Release  |  June 7, 2019  
Lauren Enriquez  [email protected] 

Statement On President Trump’s Human Research Changes 

PLANO – Human Coalition is grateful to President Trump for taking profound initiative on changes within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The changes bar taxpayer-funded research labs (intramural) from abusing the bodies of aborted children through so-called research and moving to add protections for these taxpayer-funded activities at outside labs (extramural) as well. This oversight is long overdue and much-needed.  

Human Coalition President, Brian Fisher, stated: “In the third year of President Trump’s Administration, we are thrilled to see the President taking charge and implementing tangible changes to unethical policies at HHS. These changes go beyond empty rhetoric and will manifest in action that results in greater respect for human life in taxpayer-funded activities. 

Human Coalition continues to pray for strong pro-life leadership from the President. While the new rules may only ultimately affect intramural research, it is our hope that this is just the beginning of a radical transformation needed in human tissue research and a turning point in the President’s strong leadership of HHS. Human dignity demands that research on aborted children cease completely, regardless of the availability of alternative materials and methods. 

It is unconscionable that taxpayers are forced to fund this egregious offense against fellow human beings,” Brian Fisher said. “These changes are long past due, and we look forward to seeing President Trump’s pro-life leadership continue to manifest in tangible change.”   


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 


 For Immediate Release  |  May 7, 2019   
Lauren Enriquez  [email protected] 

Human Coalition Celebrates Signing of Georgia Heartbeat Bill 

PLANO – Human Coalition celebrates the signing of House Bill 481, The LIFE Act, by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp today. The LIFE Act rightly acknowledges the dignity of the human person regardless of whether he or she is located inside or outside of the womb. The new law reflects the widely-held American belief that all humans have value and that no innocent human at any stage of development should be destroyed. 

“It is our fervent prayer,” said Human Coalition President, Brian Fisher, “that Georgia’s law will lead our nation in fighting for the dignity of the preborn child all the way to the Supreme Court. We have hope that The LIFE Act will move us closer to overturning the fatally flawed Roe v. Wade decision and ultimately restoring safeguards to all children in America. We stand with Georgia’s pro-life community and affirm Governor Kemp for his commitment to protecting the children of Georgia and the United States.”     


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 


For Immediate Release  |  February 4, 2019
Lauren Enriquez  [email protected]  

Human Coalition Urges President Trump To Address Abortion Genocide 

PLANO – On Tuesday, President Trump will deliver his State of the Union address. The most distressing emergency in our union is the ongoing genocide against preborn children. For that reason, Human Coalition urges President Trump to acknowledge abortion victims in his address and raise American consciousness about the extent of this situation.  

Planned Parenthood is a primary perpetrator of the abortion genocide, reporting a 4 percent increase in abortion in their most recent annual report – a jump from 321,384 killings in fiscal year 2016-2017 to 332,757 children killed in 2017-2018 

Last month, America somberly recognized the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Since that Supreme Court ruling, 61 million children have been killed on American soil. Brian Fisher, President of Human Coalition, stated: 

We will not forget these tens of millions of victims, nor will we be silent until their slaughter is ended. Despite Planned Parenthood’s genocidal mission and continued mass-killings of our children, the U.S. Government under President Trump has not defunded the abortion business. We call on President Trump to acknowledge the victims of the abortion genocide and use his authority as President of the United States to help restore justice to the preborn. 


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 


 For Immediate Release  |  December 3, 2018  | Lauren Enriquez  [email protected]  

Letter To President Trump: NIH Should Not Fund Research On Abortion Children 

  November 30, 2018   President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20500     Dear Mr. President,   Thank you for your outspoken and unflinching pro-life stance. Your pro-life agenda has yielded several important steps forward since you took office nearly two years ago. As the president of the largest organization serving the same abortion-seeking clients Planned Parenthood targets for abortion, your agenda gives me great hope. To date, Human Coalition has rescued over ten thousand children from abortion, and we will continue to do battle with the abortion industry until abortion is unthinkable and unavailable in our nation.   We are grateful that you have kept your promise to nominate pro-life Supreme Court justices, and we were pleased to see you withdraw our taxpayer dollars from the abortion industry’s biggest international players in your expansion of the Mexico City Policy, the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance plan.  We also recognize the vital importance of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in achieving the pro-life goals you laid out on the campaign trail in 2016. The Title X Protect Life Rule and HHS’s ongoing pro-life rhetoric suggest that your Administration recognizes how important it is to Americans that the abortion genocide be addressed and rectified immediately.   However, despite the rhetoric and initial rule changes within HHS, the abortion industry continues to maintain a monopoly over our taxpayer dollars here on home soil. Not only has the Obama-era status quo on Planned Parenthood funding from Medicaid and Title X remained upheld under the current HHS, but, in addition to this, over $100M in annual abortion industry funding is being maintained and renewed at HHS’s National Institutes of Health.   This funding is being used to conduct research in a manner unthinkable to the American people. For example, NIH is purchasing body parts and organs from healthy, fully-formed children who were electively aborted and implanting human cells from those children into mice. This is an affront to human dignity and reminiscent of the inhuman experimentation perpetrated on unwilling victims by the Nazis. America will suffer under the weight of this dark legacy if it is not rectified immediately. Future generations will hold us to account for what we did or failed to do in this regard.  Your appointee to lead HHS, Secretary Alex Azar, has the power to terminate these unethical contracts and ensure that the important medical research done within HHS does not violate the human rights of any people group or individual. It is our sincere hope that you will use your executive authority to ensure that our taxpayer dollars cease subsidizing the unconscionable practices being carried out via the NIH today.  This $100M in subsidies to the abortion industry is over and above the half a billion dollars Americans are forced to send to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business, each year. The abortion industry is carrying out a genocide that results in one million victims every single year. And we are forced to fund the perpetrators of this genocide with hundreds of millions of our hard-earned tax dollars. We find this abhorrent and unthinkable. Mr. President: you and your pro-life Administration must act on their behalf.   As a voice for the preborn children who have no voice, and the many women who are coerced or misled into believing they have no choice but abortion, we ask you to change the Obama-era status quo. Do not let your presidency go by without leaving a legacy of renewed justice for the preborn child.    Sincerely, Brian Fisher President Human Coalition 

 For Immediate Release  |  October 2, 2018  | Lauren Enriquez  [email protected]  

Human Coalition Statement On The Passing of Holly O’Donnell 

PLANO – Human Coalition joins the pro-life community in mourning the loss of Holly O’Donnell. O’Donnell demonstrated profound courage and integrity in revealing the horrific acts she witnessed while working inside Planned Parenthood for Stem Express, a vendor of human body parts.   O’Donnell was hired as a phlebotomist and was shaken to later learn that she was actually expected to harvest human organs and other body parts from children killed inside the Planned Parenthood facility to which she was assigned. O’Donnell courageously shared her experiences as part of the Center for Medical Progress’ citizen journalism project, Human Capital  At just twenty-seven years old, O’Donnell left this world; however, her legacy has already left a profound impact on the fight to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable in our lifetime.   When asked in 2015 what she hoped people would take away from her testimony, O’Donnell simply responded, “The videos are true.” We commit to continuing O’Donnell’s truth-telling mission, and we pray for the consolation of all those she held dear.  


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.   

For Immediate Release  |  September 26, 2018  |  Lauren Enriquez  [email protected]  

Human Coalition Statement on HHS’ Termination of Contract With Human Body Parts Vendor 

PLANO – This week, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it has terminated its contract with Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. (ABR), a notorious vendor of the body parts of children killed in abortion. HHS’ decision is due in large part to the whistle-blowing efforts of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), which exposed egregious violations of human dignity and questionable business practices at ABR. Healthcare providers and concerned citizens conveyed concern to HHS that its contract was unconscionable. Indeed, the federal government’s use of aborted children in research is unconscionable.   Brian Fisher, President of Human Coalition, praised the action, saying:  I am pleased to see the pro-life Trump Administration taking action in the face of injustice. Human Coalition supports HHS in its pro-life endeavors and we are committed to praying that the department continues to take action to protect the preborn child from the antics of the abortion industry, which remains deeply-embedded in the U.S. Government.     


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 

 For Immediate Release  |  September 20, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez   [email protected]   

 Human Coalition Rescues Ten Thousand Children From Abortion 

PLANO – Today, Human Coalition celebrates the rescue of ten thousand children from abortion to date.  Since the first child Human Coalition rescued on June 22, 2010, Human Coalition has been spurred by hope and motivated by a deep sense of justice to continue working toward the day when abortion is unthinkable and unavailable in our lifetime. The rescue of ten thousand children from the violent grips of the abortion industry is a crucial milestone in Human Coalition’s journey.    Brian Fisher, President of Human Coalition, commented:   As we marvel at God’s providence in rescuing ten thousand children from abortion, words cannot express our gratitude to every individual who spurs Human Coalition on each day. We believe that every human being is made in the image of God, and as an image-bearer, he or she is worthy of protection and life – and we are honored to have been entrusted with rescuing ten thousand children to date. We will not abandon this effort until every child is safe from the threat of abortion. Thank you for standing with us. 


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.   

For Immediate Release  |  September 13, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez   [email protected] 

Human Coalition Statement On New Planned Parenthood Head  Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion entity, has announced that Leana Wen will fill the vacancy left by Cecile Richards as President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.  Planned Parenthood is responsible for more than three hundred twenty thousand abortions every single year – a third of the nation’s total abortions. Under Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood experienced a dramatic uptick in abortion numbers and saw a stunning decrease in healthcare services. Cecile Richards oversaw the deaths of over three and a half million innocent children during her tenure.  Leana Wen suggested that her status as an emergency physician bolsters Planned Parenthood’s public image as a legitimate healthcare organization. However, abortion is not healthcare, and killing defenseless humans is the opposite of Hippocratic medicine.  From its founding over one hundred years ago by eugenicist ideologues to the present day, Planned Parenthood has promoted a worldview that destroys families, ruins the lives of women, and has obliterated millions and millions of preborn children. Human Coalition is committed to building a national rescue system for the potential victims of Planned Parenthood – a system that extends tangible, compassionate care in the place of death and destruction. 


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 

 For Immediate Release  |  September 6, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez   [email protected]    

Human Coalition Statement On Judge Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Process 

PLANO – This week, Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been questioned by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary – a final step toward the Senate’s vote to confirm or not confirm Judge Kavanaugh as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.  If confirmed, Judge Kavanaugh could be influential in shaping the future of the abortion landscape in America through his rulings alongside his other Supreme Court colleagues. Human Coalition remains committed to praying for men and women to rise up and answer the call to restore justice to the preborn child – the most vulnerable human in America – who has been at great risk of being killed in abortion since the 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade.   Brian Fisher, President of Human Coalition, commented:   At its core, the modern abortion genocide represents the triumph of evil over good and a dark period of human history. America can lead the spiritual fight against abortion just as she led the successful battle against slavery not long ago. We renew our commitment to praying for Judge Kavanaugh, our elected officials, and all in a position to effect change on behalf of the vulnerable preborn child in our nation. We know that men alone cannot accomplish this goal. We put our trust in God, Who will ultimately accomplish His ends in our midst, and we ask Him that we may be used as instruments in seeking and restoring justice in our land.


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 


For Immediate Release  |  August 7, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez     

[email protected]     

Human Coalition Statement On HHS’ Title X Funding Announcement     

Human Coalition is disappointed and confused by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) decision to continue funding Planned Parenthood through the Title X Family Planning Program while at the same time neglecting to extend funding to qualified, life-affirming organizations equipped to serve populations in need.       In its Title X funding announcement this week, HHS noted it will continue to fund the same groups it has historically funded while adding 10 new groups – none of which are linked to pro-life work. While President Trump has continued to affirm his pro-life commitment through various life-affirming measures, HHS appears to be at odds with its own 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, which asserts that human life begins at conception.  In fact, HHS has carried on the pro-abortion legacy of President Obama by once again dispensing millions of taxpayer dollars to thirteen Planned Parenthood affiliates across the country.  Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion business in the United States, and HHS is an enormous federal agency which determines many of the services and the type of care to which countless Americans have access.  HHS’ decision to continue sending tax dollars to a behemoth abortion conglomerate while at the same time neglecting to fund providers points to a lack of commitment to the pro-life community and to the estimated one million preborn children aborted each year in this country.    Human Coalition President Brian Fisher commented:     Abortion is the leading cause of death in America, and it accounts for 1 in every 3 deaths.  Abortion remains the greatest genocide in American history.  President Trump’s passionate and continued commitment to the dignity of human life is inspiring and encouraging. However, we are perplexed why HHS, who rightly maintains a written commitment to preborn children and their families, would neglect them through Title X – a grant committed to family planning.  Why continue to fund Planned Parenthood when they are obviously at odds with HHS’ own stated values?   Americans deserve a clear explanation for HHS actions and refusal to fund pro-life initiatives.      Human Coalition is grateful to President Trump and Vice President Pence for their unwavering pro-life leadership.  Under this strong guidance, it is our hope that HHS will explain their actions and work much more aggressively to address their stated pro-life commitment.  Regardless of who is at the helm of the government and its agencies, Human Coalition will work with hope and optimism to end abortion in our lifetime.     


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 

For Immediate Release  |  July 30, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez   

[email protected]    

Human Coalition Statement For World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 

Abortion and sex trafficking go hand-in-hand. According to a report published by The Beazley Institute For Health Law Policy at Loyola University, victims of sex trafficking are used for sex by about 13 buyers per day.  Some women and children studied reported that on a typical day they were subjected to 30 to 50 buyers.   Most of the women and girls surveyed experienced at least one pregnancy while they were sex slaves, with some reporting five or more pregnancies.  More than 55% of the respondents reported at least one abortion while being trafficked, with many reporting multiple abortions. Forced abortions are a disturbing but prevalent trend within the sex trafficking industry.  Pregnant women and girls are among the most vulnerable victims, faced with the harrowing realities of bondage and being forced to submit to an invasive act of fatal violence against their own preborn children.  Efforts to rescue women, girls, and preborn children from these scenarios must start with cognizance that the abortion industry is complicit in their cycle of abuse.    Because trafficking victims are likely to present before a healthcare provider or at an abortion business while they’re being trafficked, special training is critical to identify and assist victims of human trafficking, and is one of the most promising interventions for recovering victims and rescuing their children.  Human Coalition is committed to fighting for women and children against the injustice of abortion in all of its forms. 


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 


For Immediate Release  |  July 9, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez   

[email protected]   

Human Coalition Statement ONomination of Brett Kavanaugh  PLANO – President Trump has appointed Brett Kavanaugh to fill the Supreme Court seat that Justice Anthony Kennedy will vacate this Summer. As a textualist interpreter of the Constitution, Kavanaugh will likely acknowledge the unconstitutional nature of Roe v. Wade if a challenge to the 1973 ruling is brought before the Court.    Brian Fisher, President of Human Coalition, commented on the nomination, saying:   President Trump campaigned for election on the promise that he would protect life, and to date he has remained unflinchingly committed to that promise. Brett Kavanaugh will serve as the second originalist Justice nominated by President Trump, and as a judge committed to the Constitution, Kavanaugh gives great hope to the pro-life movement that the end of Roe v. Wade and legal abortion is in sight. We are grateful to the President for his continued commitment to defending human life, and we pray that Kavanaugh will honor the same commitment. 


  Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 

For Immediate Release  |  June 28, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez   

[email protected]    

Human Coalition Statement OJustice Kennedy’s Retirement 

PLANO – On Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement. Justice Kennedy’s retirement opens one of the nine lifetime seats on the Supreme Court. President Trump is currently considering potential nominees to fill the vacancy. 

Brian Fisher, President of Human Coalition, commented on the vacancy:  

The Supreme Court is the judicial institution that shattered American history with the 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions legalizing abortion on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy. It is long past time to restore justice to the most vulnerable among us, and a pro-life majority on the Supreme Court is crucial to that calling. We invite all Americans to join us in daily prayer for President Trump to nominate a judge who will prioritize the preborn child most deserving of a just and prudent majority on the Supreme Court of the United States. 


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.   

For Immediate Release  |  June 26, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez   

[email protected]   

Human Coalition Statement On NIFLA Ruling 

PLANO – The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that a host of pro-life clinics will be able to continue serving women without unconstitutional, politically-motivated barriers to their free speech rights. Today’s 5-4 ruling strikes down a 2014 law targeting the life-affirming work of pregnancy centers.   Human Coalition’s plan to provide compassionate care to women in California would have been negatively impacted by the state’s bias against pro-life centers. Pro-lifers cannot be forced to advertise for killing services in a just society. Period.   Brian Fisher, President of Human Coalition, commented on the ruling:   The Supreme Court made a just decision regarding the free speech of California’s life-affirming pregnancy centers. Abortion is a grave ill and a wound on every state in our nation. Not inhibiting the work of those extending care and hope to pregnant women of California is the minimum protection our judicial system must extend.  Read Human Coalition’s amicus brief in support of California’s pro-life clinics here. 


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 

For Immediate Release  |  June 5, 2018  |  Lauren Enriquez  [email protected] 

Human Coalition Statement on Appointment of Diane Foley to HHS 

PLANO – President Trump has appointed pro-life stalwart Diane Foley, M.D., Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Population Affairs.  Dr. Foley, a pediatrician and longtime pro-life advocate, brings decades of experience in the medical field and pro-life community to her new role within the Administration.   Brian Fisher, President of Human Coalition, praised the President’s choice: 

All people deserve leaders who recognize the dignity of human life – especially when those leaders influence the sphere of healthcare, where the abortion industry so often seeks to subvert the meaning of healthcare. We are encouraged each time our leaders recommit themselves to the truth that all humans have a fundamental right to life – and that commitment is eminently clear in the Administration’s selection of Dr. Diane Foley. This is another step toward restoring respect for the dignity of human life to the most vulnerable in our nation. 


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

  For Immediate Release  |  May 18, 2018  |  Lauren Enriquez  [email protected]

Human Coalition Applauds Trump Admin for Protecting Life in Title X   

PLANO – The Trump Administration has clarified that it does not accept abortion as a method of family planning. Today the Administration announced it is moving to prohibit abortion businesses from receiving Title X funding. Title X is a federal funding stream for family planning services. As an unflinchingly pro-life president, Trump has stated that Title X recipients must be physically and financially separated from entities that refer for or conduct abortions. Six in ten Americans oppose the use of taxpayer funding for abortion. Abortion businesses that are unwilling to disentangle their family planning services from their killing operations will no longer be eligible for Title X funding. “The Trump Administration has proven that it is not afraid to buck the pro-abortion status quo in the Washington swamp,” said Human Coalition President, Brian Fisher. “These Title X regulations are a victory for taxpayers and pro-life advocates, but most of all they are a victory for the women and children who are targeted for destruction by the profit-obsessed abortion industry. This move brings the nation one step closer to restoring justice for the most oppressed Americans in our midst.” The new pro-life regulations also require Title X funding recipients to document compliance with state reporting laws, which will provide greater protection to victims of sexual assault.   


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 

 For Immediate Release  |  April 5, 2018  |  Lauren Enriquez  [email protected]  

Human Coalition Stands With HHS Over Pro-Life Provisions For Refugees

PLANO – A federal judge has enjoined Health and Human Services (HHS) provisions requiring unaccompanied pregnant minors in federal care to obtain an ultrasound, options counseling, and parental consent before undergoing an abortion on United States soil.   Tanya Chutkan made the District Court ruling with the rationale that the HHS provisions posed an “undue burden” to abortion access. The effect of the ruling is that taxpayers and federal officials will be forced to facilitate the abortions of unaccompanied minors in federal custody.   HHS maintains that taxpayers do not have a responsibility to facilitate these abortions. Human Coalition President and Co-Founder Brian Fisher called the ruling “extreme”:  “This pro-life Administration is fighting a battle to protect the rights of both mothers and preborn children, and ideologues will stop at absolutely nothing to preserve their right to kill. We pray for our leaders to have the fortitude to press on against the culture of death and the forces that would sacrifice the wellbeing even of unaccompanied immigrant children to enshrine their draconian worldview.” 


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.     For Immediate Release  |  March 20, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez

                                                                                                         [email protected] 

Human Coalition Files Amicus Brief In Support Of Oppressed California Pro-Life Clinics 

PLANO – Human Coalition has filed an amicus curiae or “friend of the court” brief with the Supreme Court of the United States in support of a host of pro-life clinics targeted by the state of California for discrimination. In 2014, California passed unconstitutional legislation censuring the work of 135 pro-life clinics throughout the state by mandating that some pro-life clinics conspicuously state on-site that California has public programs providing – among other things – free and low-cost abortions to eligible women.  The legislation mandates that other pro-life clinics post discrediting disclaimers about their services.  Human Coalition stands in solidarity with California’s pro-life clinics. These clinics are operated by individuals who have dedicated their time, treasure, and talents to serving women in need of compassionate care and extending hope to their preborn children. California’s egregious legislation tramples on the rights of these individuals and centers to serve their communities.   Human Coalition’s plan to expand into the state of California would be severely impeded by the state’s unconstitutional legislation in question. Our ability to serve the unreached population of abortion-determined women and rescue their children would be impeded by a requirement to publicize the unconscionable provision of free killing services and/or other impediments to our ability to serve the women and children of California.   In compelling the speech of these pro-life clinics, the California legislature appears to clearly violate the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Collectively represented by the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA), these centers have turned to the Supreme Court of the United States for a holding that will protect their ability to exercise their First Amendment rights without retribution from the state of California.   Brian Fisher, President and Co-Founder of Human Coalition, stated: “Every child deserves to be born and no woman should be betrayed by the false promise that her child’s violent death will make her free. In light of California’s crusade against women and children, it is not surprising to see the creation of unconstitutional legislation aimed at choking out the life-affirming messages of California’s pro-life clinics. We stand with NIFLA and the pro-life centers it represents.“  Read Human Coalition’s amicus brief here 


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities. 

Human Coalition Announces New Broadcast: “The Human Element”

Human Coalition is thrilled to announce the launch of the new pro-life broadcast, The Human Element with Brian Fisher. The Human Element is a weekly, half-hour broadcast designed to empower pro-life individuals with the knowledge they need to engage the culture on the subject of abortion. The first episode, Abortion as Genocide, is now available to stream or download. Abortion is an injustice that must be ended in our lifetime, and pro-lifers need to be armed with accurate, thoughtful arguments when called upon to defend the preborn and articulate our pro-life worldview. In The Human Element, Human Coalition President and Co-Founder Brian Fisher considers abortion-related topics through the lenses of theology, philosophy, and science. Brian Fisher explains: Ending abortion in our lifetime requires us to arm ourselves not just with information, but also with the discernment to know which information to share and in what manner in order to be as persuasive as possible. We created The Human Element to help pro-lifers who are seeking to be informed about pro-life advances and empowered to share their worldview with others. The Human Element can be found on and can be downloaded at iTunes. Contact Lauren Enriquez at [email protected] for more information.


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  | March 1, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez                                                                                                    [email protected]

Human Coalition Supports Trump Administration Protecting Preborn Children, Undocumented Minors From Abortion

PLANO – Human Coalition stands with the Trump Administration in insiting on the protection of undocumented minors and their preborn children from the predatory U.S. abortion industry. Office of Refugee Resettlement director Scott Lloyd has been a steadfast defender of life, taking the firm but compassionate position that permitting elective abortions to undocumented minors in government custody is antithetical to the mission and goals of his Office. Radical abortion activists of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have moved to sue the Trump Administration for its pro-life stance. Opposition from the ACLU is further proof that the Trump Administration has taken a bold, pro-life position and has refused to kowtow to the pro-abortion status quo in Washington. Human Coalition Co-Founder and President Brian Fisher stated: “We share the Trump Administration’s pro-life values and trust that the Administration will maintain its strong pro-life posture amidst the onslaught of attacks from the waning powers of the abortion industry.” Human Coalition is once again grateful for the unflinching pro-life leadership of the Trump Administration and stands in solidarity with its efforts to protect the most vulnerable humans residing in our nation. ### Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  February 8,, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez  [email protected]

Human Coalition Applauds Trump Admin For Commitment to Mexico City Policy PLANO – Just after his inauguration in January, 2017, President Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, a pro-life rule prohibiting U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding abortion overseas. President Trump’s expanded policy, known as the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA)  policy clarifies that no organizations that “perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning” are eligible for U.S. funding. The change directed foreign aid away from organizations such as Planned Parenthood’s international arm and European abortion giant Marie Stopes. The PLGHA policy was widely-praised by pro-life advocates, and a new six-month review from the U.S. Department of State outlines progress that has been made to date on implementing the pro-life policy. Since 2017, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is working to implement and monitor compliance with the PLGHA. Human Coalition urges USAID and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to continue working diligently to end abortion and cease funding abortion businesses both at home and abroad. The PLGHA is a step in the direction of making abortion unthinkable and unavailable in our lifetime.


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  January 29, 2018  |  Lauren Enriquez  [email protected]

Human Coalition Applauds Legislation Aimed At Protecting Pain-Capable Children

PLANO – Today, the United States Senate will vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, a proposed piece of legislation that would protect children who can feel pain from being dismembered or otherwise killed in utero. The legislation would protect children beginning at five months of pregnancy, the point at which science unanimously acknowledges that preborn children can feel pain (though the point at which children are capable of pain is likely much earlier). Human Coalition President and Co-Founder Brian Fisher stated: “Every preborn child, without exception, should be protected by law from the fatal violence of abortion. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act’s protection of pain-capable children unites Americans on both sides of the pro-life/pro-choice label. There is simply no debate among humane individuals that it is wrong to inflict a barbaric death sentence on innocent human beings who feel the excruciating pain of abortion. This legislation is a step toward the protection of all children which we work toward every day. Justice demands that we continue rescuing them and working to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable until every single American child is safe from the threat of abortion.” Human Coalition is grateful for the stalwart leadership of Senators who have championed the legal protection of children from excruciating abortion methods, including Senator James Lankford (R-OK), Senator Mike Lee (R-AZ), Senator David Perdue (R-GA), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA), and all senators on either side of the political aisle who come together for the sake of the most vulnerable class of humans in our nation.


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  January 24, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Conscience And Religious Freedom Division At HHS A Win For Pro-Life Advocates

PLANO – The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced last week that it has established a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division aimed at protecting conscience rights and religious liberty. Via policy, enforcement, and outreach, the new division will ensure that Americans at federally-funded institutions are not forced to cooperate with acts that violate their conscience or religious principles. The need for such a division has grown increasinly clear as pro-life Americans have exposed the censorship and retaliation they received from employers when refusing to cooperate in acts of abortion or providing abortifacient drugs. These cases are just one example of the vacuum the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division fills. Brian Fisher, Human Coalition President and Co-Founder, praised the move and encouraged HHS to continue to push even further in championing those who work to protect and defend preborn children from abortion. Fisher stated: “I am heartened by HHS’s latest efforts to restore equality to Americans who defend the most marginalized preborn children in our country. Pro-life Americans and Judeo-Christian believers were among the most highly-targeted and disenfranchised Americans under the Obama Administration. I am grateful to President Trump for encouraging HHS to take constructive action toward remedying these affronts to our rights as citizens. But more than anything else, I am encouraged by HHS’ firm stance in its commitment to protecting American lives, including those still in the womb.”


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  January 23, 2018  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Applauds Governor Abbott For Pursuing Women’s Health Funding 

PLANO – On Tuesday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott asked President Donald Trump to approve steps toward reinstating healthcare funding for low-income women. The funding was cut off by Obama several years ago in retaliation to Texas’ decision to withhold healthcare funds from the abortion industry. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission has submitted a new application for a waiver for federal Medicaid funding, and the Governor’s office states that the waiver “would reinstate hundreds of millions of dollars that would go directly toward funding women’s health in Texas.” It is unfortunate that the Obama Administration played politics with women’s healthcare, and we applaud Governor Abbott for seeking to rectify this error by appealing to the pro-life Trump Administration. Human Coalition is grateful to Governor Abbott for his uncompromising commitment to pro-life values.


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  December 19, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Statement on HHS Defending Preborn in Immigrant Abortion Case

PLANO – Human Coalition applauds the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for taking an active stand on behalf of vulnerable preborn children and immigrant teens. On Monday, a pro-abortion federal judge ruled that HHS must facilitate abortions for two undocumented immigrant teens in federal custody. The pro-life Trump Administration immediately took action, asking the Supreme Court to stay the federal judge’s temporary restraining order until the case could be appealed to the D.C. Court of Appeals.

The current cases of Jane Roe and Jane Poe are similar to that of Jane Doe in October when the ACLU lobbied ferociously that the preborn child of an undocumented teen in Texas be killed in abortion. The ACLU’s crusade ultimately succeeded after the appeals court voted 6-3 to force HHS to facilitate the teen’s abortion. We are encouraged to see HHS taking a firm stand on the side of life and the wellbeing of the mothers and children involved in these new cases. Brian Fisher, President and Co-Founder of Human Coalition, stated: The abortion industry and its ACLU shills using vulnerable young girls to further the draconian cause of abortion is despicable. What we are seeing here is an abortion lobby gasping its dying breath and attempting to wreak havoc on pro-life progress on its way to the ash heap of history. We are grateful that Americans and the Trump Administration are working in concert with the pro-life movement to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable in our nation.”


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  November 3, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Launches Three-Year Educational Partnership With Life Training Institute

Human Coalition is pleased to announce the inauguration of a three-year partnership with the Life Training Institute. The goal of the partnership is to provide comprehensive pro-life education both online and in schools to equip thousands of Christians so that they can confidently make the case for LIFE. “I have long believed Scott Klusendorf and his team are the most professional, articulate pro-life apologists in the country. Their contributions to the pro-life movement are incalculable,” said Brian Fisher, Co-Founder and President of Human Coalition. “This partnership empowers both Human Coalition and the Life Training Institute to provide best in class pro-life education to our teams and to life-affirming people everywhere.” Human Coalition will extend and facilitate online and in-person training featuring Life Training Institute speakers for churches and students, and will provide resources and data to assist in training development. Life Training Institute will collaborate with Human Coalition to create educational videos and writings, as well as provide speakers and assist in training staff.


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  October 16, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Launches Partnership With Family Research Council

Human Coalition is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Family Research Council (FRC) to advance the common goal of strengthening pro-life principles in the culture. Human Coalition’s Senior Director of Church Outreach, Sean Martin, is enthusiastic about the partnership. “This partnership will help to shape culture through expanding FRC’s Cultural Impact Teams in the cities where Human Coalition has pro-life clinics,” said Rev. Martin. “We will use these teams as another mechanism to activate the church in the fight to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable, while FRC will be introduced to many more churches within those same cities to advance their work of protecting religious liberty.” The partnership aims to increase the engagement of the church and culture in ending abortion. To this end, Human Coalition and the Family Research Council will collaborate on research and data collection, and work together to educate Americans on abortion and how they can impact the cause.


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  October 16, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Archbishop Charles Chaput Issues Letter of Support for Human Coalition

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, presiding over the Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia, expressed gratitude and support for the work of Human Coalition in a letter to Human Coalition on October 16, 2017. “[T]he Archdiocese has a strong commitment to defending and advancing the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death,” said Archbishop Chaput. “The right to life is the foundation of all other human rights and all true issues of justice.” The Archbishop “I’m very grateful for the work the Human Coalition does in this area of ministry, and I’m pleased to express my admiration and support for your efforts with this letter.” Sean Martin, Senior Director of Church Outreach at Human Coalition, praised the decision. “The Catholic church has led in the area of life for over 40 years, and Archbishop Chaput has been one of the strongest voices,” Rev. Martin said. “We are humbled by his endorsement and honored to work with him and the Catholic Church to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable in America.”


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  October 9, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Statement on HHS Mandate Exemptions

PLANO – October 9, 2017: Human Coalition is pleased with the President’s measure to exempt certain employers from the HHS Mandate’s requirement to fund abortion-inducing drugs and devices. Many employers and employees oppose the Obama-era Health and Human Services Mandate requiring employers to fund drugs and devices with a mode of operation to a human life that has already begun. Human Coalition Co-Founder and President, Brian Fisher, made the following statement:

“The HHS Mandate is an affront to the consciences of countless Americans and to the practice of religious liberty. Human Coalition praises President Donald J. Trump’s order to exempt employers with deeply-held religious beliefs from the forced funding of such drugs and devices. The HHS Mandate remains an affront to the dignity of human life. We look forward to the day when the HHS Mandate is abolished entirely.”


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  July 17, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Statement on Draft LHHS Legislation

PLANO – July 17, 2017: Human Coalition praises the pro-life provisions of the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) draft funding bill for fiscal year 2018. We commend the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Appropriations for working to defend innocent preborn children from being used for scientific experimentation, and for redirecting funding away from abortion behemoth Planned Parenthood. Human Coalition President and Co-Founder, Brian Fisher, expressed support for the legislation and shared Human Coalition’s hope that Congress will retain the important pro-life provisions of the bill. “The draft LHHS legislation upholds the pro-life values of the countless Americans who oppose subsidizing the abortion industry and practices that violate human dignity,” said Fisher. “We have waited too long for firm legislative action that acknowledges the inherent value of all human life. This legislation is a positive step in the right direction by an Administration that has tirelessly demonstrated its commitment to defending human life from Day 1.”


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  June 12, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Statement on Appointment of Valerie Huber

PLANO – Human Coalition is thrilled with the appointment of Valerie Huber as the chief of staff for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

As head of Ascend and the National Abstinence Education Association, Ms. Huber helped to ensure that teens across the country have access to sexual risk prevention programs that affirm their dignity and protect their health. The efforts Ms. Huber has spearheaded are evidence-based and have drawn bipartisan support.

Regarding the appointment, Human Coalition President Brian Fisher said:

“Valerie Huber is a trusted friend and is a stalwart champion for sexual risk avoidance. We deeply respect her work and are excited with her appointment to HHS.”


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  June 1, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Statement on Drafted HHS Regulation to Protect Pro-Life Americans

PLANO – Yesterday, The New York Times reported on the leak of a drafted Health and Human Services regulation that would restore constitutional rights to employers who object to paying for abortion-inducing drugs and devices via employee insurance plans.

Burdened by an Obama-era “contraception mandate” which forced employers to cover contraceptive drugs and devices — including drugs and devices with documented modes of operation to end the life of a preborn child early in pregnancy — conscientious objectors have been forced to carry on lengthy legal battles in response to the unconstitutional rule. The new regulation, in its drafted form, would represent a victory for religious freedom and pro-life Americans.

In response to the news, Human Coalition President Brian Fisher stated:

“We are grateful to President Trump for honoring human life and religious liberty at every opportunity since the beginning of his tenure in office. We also commend the Department of Health and Human Services, especially Secretary Tom Price, for taking seriously the department’s life-affirming mission to ‘enhance the health and well-being of Americans.’

The drafted HHS rule further affirms the Trump Administration’s consistency on protecting vulnerable humans and ensuring the constitutional right of Americans to exercise freedom of religion and the right to life.

“As we work to make the culture of life a reality in the United States, we are grateful to have the unflinching commitment of a pro-life president and administration working to secure the same freedoms for which we fight.”


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

On Wednesday, May 10, Media Matters issued an extensive 6-page hit piece on Human Coalition. The piece chides the mainstream media for giving us a platform and attempts to “expose” Human Coalition as a way of dissuading media from engaging in a continued relationship with our organization, exhaustively chronicling our media placements since December, 2016.

Media Matters is self-described as a “progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.” In other words, Media Matters’ objective is to seek and destroy the pro-life message in the mainstream media.

Media Matters does this by attempting to discredit or intimidate media outlets which give a platform to the pro-life voice. The Media Matters hit piece on Human Coalition is one of dozens that have been written about Human Coalition in the last few months at outlets including Bloomberg, Rewire, The Guardian, Pop Sugar, and Jezebel.

Since we began building media relationships in 2016, media have been welcoming to our voice. We present: a) DATA to support our position, b) a unique and unprecedented pro-life strategy which shatters stereotypes about the pro-life movement, and c) personal testimonies (of life decisions, conversion to the pro-life cause, post-abortion healing, and much more).

Bottom line: The fact that Media Matters has targeted Human Coalition is a clear sign that they are trying to silence our voice and that they view our pro-life strategy as a legitimate threat to the pro-abortion agenda.


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  May 4, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Statement on House Passage of AHCA

PLANO – Today, by a vote of 117-113, the House passed a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare. Human Coalition President Brian Fisher made the following statement:

“The American Health Care Act furthers the critical pro-life priority of stripping the Planned Parenthood abortion conglomerate of hundreds of millions in taxpayer funding and redirecting those hard-earned dollars to healthcare facilities. Planned Parenthood is responsible for killing 324,000 American children every single year — that’s one child killed by Planned Parenthood every 97 seconds. There is no priority more urgent than ending the American holocaust of abortion, and defunding Planned Parenthood is what America can do right now.”


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  May 3, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Statement on the Trump’s Newest Pro-Life Appointments

PLANO – Human Coalition thanks the Trump Administration for appointing two pro-life stalwarts to key positions within the Department of Health and Human Services. The appointment of Charmaine Yoest as Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs and Teresa Manning as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs signals President Trump’s continued commitment to pro-life values. Yoest replaces the Obama appointee Kevin Griffin, who himself now enters a role at Planned Parenthood, the nation’s abortion behemoth.

Charged to “enhance the health and well-being of Americans,” and administering more grant money than all other agencies combined, the Department of Health and Human Services is central to the abortion conversation. Abortion is fundamentally at-odds with the health and well-being of Americans, and yet America has been funding the abortion industry through this department for far too long. It is the hope of Human Coalition that President Trump’s appointees — including pro-life Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price — will exercise their influence and authority to affirm the dignity of all Americans, including the preborn and their mothers.

During his first months in office, President Trump has demonstrated that his pro-life campaign promises — to appoint pro-life Supreme Court Justices, to make the Hyde Amendment permanent, to defund Planned Parenthood, and to defend pain-capable preborn children from abortion — were sincere. In fact, President Trump has acted swiftly and decisively in appointing Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, reinstating the Mexico City Policy, and restoring states’ authority to withhold tax dollars from Planned Parenthood.

This latest round of pro-life appointments confirms that the President intends to continue making good on his word. We hope to see many more pro-life appointments in the days and weeks to come and continued action toward defunding Planned Parenthood and protecting the most vulnerable women and children from the abortion industry. Please take just a moment to tweet President Trump (@POTUS) to thank him for appointing Charmaine Yoest and Teresa Manning, and encourage him to continue the good pro-life work he has begun.


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  April 25, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition Statement on New AHCA Measure to Defund Planned Parenthood

PLANO – Human Coalition supports efforts to strip Planned Parenthood of federal taxpayer dollars by any legislative means necessary. The new, revised healthcare act to repeal and replace Obamacare would strip Planned Parenthood of a large portion of the taxpayer funding it currently receives, enabling taxpayers to fund healthcare that protects life rather than an organization that kills children. The proposal represents a crucial step toward protecting the most vulnerable human lives in our nation.

Planned Parenthood currently commits about 324,000 abortions per year- more than one-third of the total number of abortions committed in the United States annually. Planned Parenthood’s alarming abortion statistics represent the wholesale betrayal of American women and families. Abortion does not remove the crisis of a woman’s crisis pregnancy situation; it violently removes the child from the equation and disregards the woman’s fundamental needs. Innocent Americans deserve protection from the predation of the Planned Parenthood abortion behemoth. Human Coalition urges Americans to contact their elected officials and demand that they defund Planned Parenthood once and for all.


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  April 20, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]

Human Coalition VP to Present Pro-Life Viewpoint on SMU Panel

PLANO –  Tonight, Southern Methodist University will host a panel discussion entitled: Dialogue Not Debate: Pro-Life/Pro-Choice. Human Coalition’s Executive Vice President, Ben Matthews, will present the pro-life worldview at the invitation of Southern Methodist University College Republicans. Seven other organizations will be represented, with four presenters defending the pro-life worldview and four defending abortion.

The event begins at 6 p.m. CST and is open to the public at no cost. For more information about attending the event or viewing the livestream, visit the event page on Facebook.


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.

For Immediate Release  |  April 15, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]
Human Coalition Statement on the Successful Resolution Allowing States to Defund Planned Parenthood
 PLANO – Human Coalition applauds the Trump Administration for successfully reinstating the authority of individual states to defund Planned Parenthood after Obama’s eleventh hour move to prop up the abortion behemoth in the face of an incoming pro-life Administration. As an organization serving abortion-seeking women and rescuing children from abortion, we are grateful that elected officials are using their office to protect the most vulnerable persons in America. We applaud Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) for moving the resolutions through the Senate and House, respectively, and to President Trump for signing the resolution on Thursday. We pray that Congress harnesses this momentum to fully defund Planned Parenthood at a federal level by whatever means available, and redirect the abortion giant’s funding to life-affirming healthcare services.


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.
For Immediate Release  |  April 7, 2017  |  Contact: Lauren Enriquez [email protected]
Human Coalition Statement on Confirmation of Neil Gorsuch
PLANO – Brian Fisher, President and Co-Founder of Human Coalition, made the following statement on the Senate’s confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United State:
“Human Coalition is thrilled with the Senate’s confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United States. Justice Gorsuch is extremely well-qualified to fulfill his role on the Supreme Court. We look to our newest Justice with confidence that he will uphold the Right to Life of the most vulnerable Americans: preborn children and their mothers, and we thank the Senators who remained steadfast in the face of extreme partisan opposition to Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation.”


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.
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In The News

Human Coalition Joins Landmark ‘Blueprint for Life’ to Support Children and Parents

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECONTACT: Matt Hadro[email protected]

June 24, 2024, DALLAS, Texas — Jeff Bradford, President of Human Coalition, joined other pro-life leaders on the two-year anniversary of Dobbs in calling for public policies that provide holistic support to parents and children in the “fourth trimester” and early childhood years.

The coalition of pro-life groups, including Human Coalition, called on federal and state lawmakers to craft policies including: An expansion of the child tax credit; federal paid family leave; increased access to child care, faith-based child care, and stay-at-home parent or relative care; strengthening and expansion of existing health care programs such as SCHIP, WIC, Medicaid for postpartum mothers; support for pregnancy centers,  and an expansion of the adoption tax credit.

“Our goal has always been to make abortion unthinkable, and we joined this call precisely because these public policies are an indispensable part of making that a reality,” said Jeff Bradford, President of Human Coalition.

 “Two years after Dobbs, women are still seeking abortions for the same reasons as before – poor economic and social circumstances. The pro-life movement continues to serve these women and connect them with holistic care and support, but these policies would amplify those efforts on an immense scale and ensure that even more women find alternatives to abortion.”

“We so often find that vulnerable women seeking abortion actually want to parent, but they don’t know the range of support services that are available to them. They think abortion is their only option,” said Chelsey Youman, National Director of Public Policy with Human Coalition.

“Once we talk to them and let them know they’re not alone, and connect them to a range of holistic medical care, tangible assistance, and social support, that helps them reach a place of stability where they can make the life-affirming decision that so many of them wanted to make in the first place.”

Other pro-life groups supporting Blueprint for Life include Americans United for Life, Students for Life, the American Principles Project, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

About Human Coalition

Human Coalition is one of the largest pro-life, pro-woman, and pro-family organizations in the country, committed to making abortion unthinkable and unnecessary. Founded in 2009, Human Coalition has grown from a simple internet outreach idea into a comprehensive care network that reaches women facing unexpected pregnancies, rescues innocent preborn children from abortion, and restores families to stability.

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Our organization name, Human Coalition, does not contain an article (“Human Coalition,” not “The Human Coalition”).


Media inquiries: Jason Law
Director of Media
[email protected]


Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.