by Senthil Admin | May 14, 2015
Sarah Ankenman and author Dave Sterrett discuss why women should be involved with Christian apologetics and intellectually defending the sacred…
by Senthil Admin | Apr 25, 2015
Most Common Pro-Choice Arguments: Rape, Incest, My Body, My Choice, Life of the Mother, Personhood, The Unborn Child Is Unfit/Unwanted…
by Senthil Admin | Nov 24, 2014
“Not planned” does not equate to “Not human”
by Senthil Admin | Oct 8, 2014
We have no idea how far they’ll go. So why would we stand in their way? Let’s encourage today’s mothers to choose life, so that we can one day celebrate…
by Senthil Admin | Sep 20, 2014
The “S” in the SLED acronym stands for “size”. All of us began our lives as a tiny, fertilized egg or zygote; invisible to the naked eye. Over the years…