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Despite difficult, scary and despairing circumstances, ā€œGā€ knew the right thing to do was keep her third child, Baby #1460.

ā€œGā€ is a single mom with two toddlers. She became pregnant with her second child after being assaulted, but felt like she needed to keep the baby. When she found out she was pregnant the third time, however, ā€œGā€ wasnā€™t so sure. Struggling to provide for her family and dealing with the stress and effects of the assault she endured, ā€œGā€ began looking for answers.

Thankfully, she made contact with an HC life-affirming center where staff members were able to listen caringly to ā€œGā€™sā€ fears and concerns. Although ā€œGā€ has faced and will continue to face many difficulties, she is now confident that protecting her family is the most important decision she can make.

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