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We are amazed and grateful for the heart of Baby #1662ā€™s mom. Their story proves life is worth protecting.

When ā€œGā€ found out she was pregnant, she was unsure of how far along she was. She visited an abortion clinic to receive an ultrasound, and although she was already past 25 weeks, she was referred to a place where she could get a late-term abortion.

ā€œGā€ didnā€™t feel good about this idea, andĀ fortunately, reached out to an HC partnering life-affirming center. A representative talked to ā€œGā€ about her options outside of abortion. Although this mother of two was very scared about her future, she listened openly. She asked for support from the life-affirming center because she didnā€™t have much family support of her own.

ā€œGā€ knows she has people who will be there for her and can rest assured that her baby will live!