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Baby #1,694 is alive and well thanks to a mother’s thoughtful questions at an HC partnering life-affirming center!

When “M” became pregnant, she didn’t have support from her family nor her baby’s father. While she didn’t want to have an abortion, she felt stuck and wasn’t quite sure what to do.

Fortunately, she reached out to one of HC’s partnering life-affirming centers, and began asking questions about having an abortion. During her appointment, “M” asked a staff member if her baby would feel pain during an abortion. She understood from the beginning the humanness of her child no matter the developmental stage of her pregnancy.

Staff members at the center explained to “M” the immensely painful procedure of abortion and encouraged her to trust that choosing life would not only be the right choice to make, but also a blessing.

“M” is now scheduled for a sonogram and ready to take care of and celebrate the life of her unborn child.

SHARE this post if you’re thankful for “M’s” wise decision!