
Katiya’s Story

life decision purple

“Katiya’s” Story: From Hopeless to Hopeful

Thirteen weeks into an unexpected pregnancy, “Katiya” was seeking an abortion. Married at 22 years old, she had no desire to start a family quite yet. She had big plans for her life, and this pregnancy wasn’t one of them at the moment.

Jobs, new family dynamics, and now an unexpected pregnancy. How is a young couple supposed to juggle all these things as they’re starting out? Katiya had no healthcare insurance and desperately needed financial help if she was to provide for this child. It wasn’t that she didn’t want her baby, she just couldn’t see around the mountains that tried to engulf her. It just didn’t feel possible.

There had to be another way, a path out of her financial fragility that had become the driving factor behind her decision to abort her child.

Katiya began to look online for an abortion, and that’s when she discovered Human Coalition. Anxious about what the conversation would entail, she picked up the phone and dialed. It wasn’t until the nurse began to explain the abortion procedure more in-depth that Katiya gained a fresh perspective. She took it upon herself to research abortion and all it demanded.

And that’s when she realized that she couldn’t go through with it.

She began to see the truth and understand abortion for what it really was: an intense and vulnerable procedure with lasting effects. But not only that, she came to terms with the fact that she would be taking the life of her own child. She learned how her baby could feel pain and had a heartbeat, arms, legs, a brain, and reflexive movements inside the womb. Katiya came to the conclusion that what she previously thought of as just a fetus is human and worthy of life.

After the phone conversation with a nurse, an in-person appointment was scheduled. During her sonogram, Katiya was able to see her baby for the first time. As she listened to her baby’s heartbeat, excitement began to rise inside of her and a future as a mother felt possible. With the support of her husband, her mom, her nurse, her Continuum of Care social worker, and her recent studies on abortion, Katiya’s outlook had completely reversed.

Once she was made aware of the support and resources available to her, the decision to choose life was easy. Because of your support, Katiya was able to overcome her obstacles one by one, making abortion completely unnecessary for Katiya.

The Continuum of Care program was able to provide for Katiya in ways she couldn’t provide for herself. They helped with material assistance for the baby, connected her with the appropriate financial assistance and maternity leave through her workplace, and resources to receive health insurance. The nurse encouraged Katiya to just take one day at a time and reminded her that she had plenty of time to prepare before the arrival of her baby.

Katiya received the support she needed to continue the pregnancy and confidently become a mom. She gave birth to a healthy baby girl. When her baby was 8 weeks old, Katiya came to visit and introduced the Human Coalition pregnancy center staff to her newborn baby! The team was even able to bless her with some gifts to help welcome the arrival of her daughter. To this day, Katiya continues to express gratitude for all the support, love, and compassion she received.

“Thank you for all the help and everything you guys have sent. I definitely appreciate it, and you guys are now like my second family. Everything in my life was so crazy. I was going through so much, then she was born, and everything was alright!”
Many women feel the way Katiya felt: the baby would only be a hindrance to life’s plans. But in truth, her baby was an additional blessing and didn’t take away anything from Katiya’s life. Your lifesaving support truly changes the course of the next generation. Not only can Katiya continue to pursue her dreams, but her baby girl now has the opportunity to do the same!

Thank you for all you do to reach the next mom seeking an abortion, like Katiya was before she was reached with help and hope. Your support truly empowered her to choose life and saved her daughter from abortion.