
Tatum’s Story

Upon getting pregnant, “Tatum” called Human Coalition.   She found herself grappling with a wave of emotions and uncertainties. As a seasoned mother of four already, she was no amateur at carrying life inside her. Having sought assistance from Human Coalition on multiple occasions in the past, this time was different. Her circumstances were especially challenging.   She was more resolute than ever in her decision to abort.  Tatum’s blood pressure had been higher since her last pregnancy, and she had recently experienced a breakup. To make her situation worse, Tatum was unsure who the father of her baby was. For these reasons, she saw abortion as the only practical solution. Though she was determined this time around, she also knew that Human Coalition was full of compassionate people who would be able to sympathize with her. 

Over the phone, a Human Coalition nurse listened to her fears, doubts, and concerns without judgment and worked on removing any obstacle that made abortion seem like Tatum’s only option. Laying out all the options before her, she made Tatum aware of what was possible. Then she was asked the question, “If circumstances were different, what would be your heart’s desire?” Remaining impartial, Tatum said she could take it either way: abort or keep her baby.

Tatum’s Story Continues …  Battling paternity issues surrounding this new pregnancy, Tatum wrestled with a truth she wasn’t yet ready to confront – the possibility that the baby might not share a father with her other children. Yet if the child did belong to the same father, she was prepared to embrace motherhood once more. All she could feel was confusion, isolation, shame, and embarrassment about her predicament. She felt mentally weak and felt if she were to share this information with her family or close friends, she would be judged.    Talking to the nurse over the phone felt like talking with a friend. Taking the time to talk through conception dates, the nurse scheduled Tatum for an ultrasound. Tatum felt better after the conversation. She took her time and processed the information over the next few weeks with the clarity provided by the conception date.   Throughout those weeks, she realized that it didn’t matter who the father of the baby was. It was her baby, and she wanted to keep her baby  Still in disbelief at her unexpected pregnancy, though embracing motherhood again, she stated, “God knows what he’s doing.”   Tatum found herself relieved when the test results arrived and showed that the father of her baby was the father of her other children. Overjoyed, Tatum proudly showed off her sonogram pictures to her children. They were excited about the news of having another sibling.   While the pieces began to fall into place for Tatum, their family still needed some additional assistance to ease the financial burden of adding a new baby to the family. She was connected with a Human Coalition social worker through the Continuum of Care program. Tatum’s social worker ensured that she received the support and care she needed throughout her pregnancy and beyond. She was even connected with the Holiday Connections program, a Human Coalition program where she received gifts from a volunteer family for her and her family at Christmas. Her children were overjoyed, and she expressed sincere gratitude for all the ways that her social worker has been there for her.  God certainly does know what he’s doing. Though she felt a roller coaster of emotions given her obstacles, in the end Tatum chose life for her baby. Thank you for your prayers and financial support to rescue children from abortion. You reach moms who once believed that abortion was necessary and empower them to choose life instead. Tatum can now see that abortion was entirely unnecessary. Every year, thousands of women like Tatum get to be moms because of rescuers like you.