Vincent Mathews Jr

Vincent Mathews, Jr.

Missions President, Church Of God In Christ

Bishop Vincent E. Mathews, Jr. is saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. Bishop Mathews graduated from Wayne State University (B.A.), University of Illinois (M.A.) and North Carolina College of Theology (Doctor of Theology). He was a Fulbright Fellow while studying African Language (Swahili) at The University of Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania). Vincent is the author of 6 books. While Bishop Mathews has won numerous awards, he declares that his primary goal in life is to hear God say, “Well Done My Good and Faithful Servant”.

  • Moved with his family to South Africa as full-time missionaries in 2004
  • Oversees the growth of God’s work in 79 countries worldwide

He is happily married to one wife, Sharon Denise Mathews and they now, after 12 years of residence in Johannesburg, South Africa, live in Memphis, Tennessee. God has blessed them with 11 children (8 boys and 3 girls). Vincent was born and raised in Inkster Michigan. He was baptized as a young boy by Bishop P.A. Brooks (First Assistant Presiding Bishop). He attended Inkster Christian Academy, which was a ministry of Pentecostal Temple COGIC led by Bishop Isaac King, Jr. Mathews Graduated from St. Martin DePorres High School in Detroit. After University Studies and marriage, Mathews served faithfully with his father at the All Nations COGIC in many capacities, from evangelism director to youth pastor. Vincent was ordained by Bishop C.L. Anderson, Jr. (General Board Member) Mathews was bi-vocational maintaining a vibrant career that transitioned from teaching to educational consulting. He founded the company Peaceful Solutions that was awarded contracts in 17 school districts across the USA to work with violent school code violators, in-service staff, and train parents. He later, was named the Director of the Detroit Lions Academy, an alternative middle school that was a partnership with the Detroit Lions, Communities in Schools and Detroit Public Schools. However, God had a higher assignment.

God called Vincent and Sharon to leave the “American Dream” to obtain a higher call, being a full-time missionary team. Subsequently, along with their children, they moved to South Africa to serve as full-time missionaries in 2004. Mathews served enthusiastically in many capacities under Bishop Carlis Moody, Sr. including Jurisdictional Secretary, District Superintendent, Regional Superintendent, Administrative Assistant, and National Board Member to name a few. Bishop Mathews is the Senior Pastor of the fast growing church, Tabernacle Church of God in Christ, in Ivory Park–Johannesburg, South Africa, The Tabernacle Church of God in Christ, has grown from 6 members to over 1,750 active adult disciples. Tabernacle Church has 26 functioning ministries including a Christian school, Tabernacle Christian Academy, which educates children from nursery to High School.

Bishop Mathews was consecrated Prelate of the South Africa First Jurisdiction in 2013. Under Bishop Mathews’ leadership, the South Africa First Jurisdiction is focused on empowerment through teaching and training, church planting, church growth and outreach in the notorious and dangerous townships and rural areas of South Africa. South Africa First Jurisdiction is rapidly growing through a missional and evangelistic focus.

In 2015, Bishop Mathews was appointed by Chief Apostle, Presiding Bishop Charles Blake and the General Board as the President of the Church of God in Christ World Missions Department. He has the responsibility to oversee the growth of the work of God in 79 countries worldwide. He has a passion for discipleship and sharing the good news of Jesus.