How Does Human Coalition Rescue Babies from Abortion? (Part 1)

How Does Human Coalition Rescue Babies from Abortion? (Part 1)

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher

Perhaps you’ve been curious about how Human Coalition is able to cooperatively help rescue so many unborn babies and their families from abortion. We understand the way we carry out our mission has some moving parts, so we decided to shed a little light on who we are and what we do at Human Coalition through a four-part series of informational emails in the coming days.

In the four years since we founded Human Coalition, we’ve discovered that each month in America, there are more than 2 MILLION Internet searches for words such as abortion or abortion clinic. That’s 70,000  Internet searches every day! What this tells us is that the majority of women facing crisis pregnancies today are turning to the Internet first when looking for answers—an anonymous place where their secrets are safe and no one else has to know.

In order to turn hearts and minds toward LIFE, we knew we had to reach these women while they’re searching for answers on the Internet . . . and before they make contact with an abortion clinic.


Assisted by best-in-class analysis and tools, Human Coalition implements cutting-edge Internet technology as well as supplemental traditional marketing tools (billboards, print ads, etc.) to connect with abortion-minded women and men. From there we guide them to make an appointment at a neighborhood pro-life pregnancy resource center (PRC) where they’ll receive life-affirming compassion, care, and a sonogram of their unborn children.

From the first Internet impression on a person’s computer . . . to the phone call she makes to her local PRC . . . to the appointment at the PRC . . . to the moment she chooses LIFE . . . and beyond . . . Human Coalition is there to help offer compassionate care every step of the way.

And when you give to Human Coalition, you help us connect with abortion-minded women and men in their time of need. Because we’ve journeyed alongside thousands of woman during their decision-making process, we’ve been able to calculate that it takes just $17 per month to reach 10 abortion-determined women with the life-affirming truth about their pregnancies.  Over the course of a year, a $17 monthly gift empowers us to reach approximately 120 abortion-determined men and women—individuals who might otherwise have immediately decided to terminate their crisis pregnancies.

At Human Coalition, we believe the solution to ending abortion in America isn’t exclusive to a courthouse or the voting booth. It begins by reaching women in crisis who are searching the Internet for help and answers.

Please support Human Coalition—both prayerfully and financially—to help us reach more abortion-determined women and men with the truth about LIFE in the womb. In my next email, I’ll share about how Human Coalition helps women connect with their local pregnancy resource center.