There’s No Such Thing As A ‘Positive Abortion Story.’

There’s No Such Thing As A ‘Positive Abortion Story.’

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher

“I’m one lucky girl.”…”It will always be a special memory for me.”…”I love how positive it is.”

If you believe these sentiments sound like things a mom who just experienced the miracle of childbirth might say, you are sadly mistaken. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Emily Letts, a 25-year-old woman from New Jersey, made these statements in an interview with the Huffington Post when talking about the video she made describing her very early abortion.

Disclaimer: Emily’s abortion story is graphic and does not reflect the views of Human Coalition.


After she posted a video of her abortion procedure on YouTube, entitled My Positive Abortion Story, Letts became an overnight sensation among abortion advocates across the country. Hailed as “brave,” “courageous,” and “pioneering,” Letts claims she shared her story via YouTube last month in the hopes of “ending the shame that accompanies abortion.”

While shocking and disturbing, Letts’s YouTube video isn’t the first attempt to destigmatize abortion in America. Last year, the 1 in 3 Campaign, a project sponsored by Advocates for Youth, launched their nationwide, grassroots movement to “end the stigma and shame women are made to feel about abortion.” Named for the statistic that one out of three American women will have an abortion in their lifetime, this nonprofit uses storytelling and public awareness campaigns to normalize abortion — pushing the false narrative that abortion leaves women feeling empowered, relieved, and uplifted.

Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 11.47.58 AMUnfortunately, the stories advanced by activists like Emily Letts and organizations like 1 in 3 are far from the norm. As evidenced by hundreds of testimonies posted on AbortionMemorial.com (a website created and maintained by Human Coalition that allows post-abortive women and men to memorialize the loss of their aborted child), abortion commonly results in depression, feelings of deep sorrow, and years filled with regret.

The more than 240 memorials shared on AbortionMemorial.com expose the false narratives advanced by abortion advocates. Abortion does not empower or uplift women. On the contrary, it results in a downward spiral of shame and regret that is often felt for decades.

Abortion advocates are now turning to desperate measures to try to normalize abortion, as illustrated by Emily Letts’s provocative video. But those of us on the front lines of the battle for LIFE know the truth: abortion demoralizes and exploits women. Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 11.49.01 AM

As one of the fastest-growing pro-life organizations in the country, Human Coalition is on a mission to reach abortion-determined women and men before they decide to get an abortion, and we invite you to help us.

It’s through your generosity that Human Coalition connects with women facing crisis pregnancies and guides them to local life-affirming pregnancy centers where they will be compassionately and fully equipped to deal with their unplanned pregnancies. Now that’s true empowerment.

Human Coalition and its participating life-affirming pregnancy centers have already verifiably helped rescue more than 1,900 unborn babies and their families from abortion, and with your help we can help rescue many more.

Please give today and help us reach abortion-determined women and men with the truth about pregnancy, abortion, and LIFE!