
For Melissa, abortion seemed to be the only logical solution to her unplanned pregnancy.

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Every day, women and men enter Human Coalition’s women’s care clinics with the intent of aborting their unborn children. In many cases they are young and frightened, and no one in their life is encouraging them to consider Life for their unborn child.

When “Melissa” visited an Human Coalition women’s care clinic, her story echoed those of thousands of other women who’ve walked through the doors of our participating life-affirming pregnancy centers. She had a strained relationship with her parents…she felt incapable of caring for a baby…and her boyfriend was paralyzed with fear.

For Melissa, abortion seemed to be the only logical solution to her unplanned pregnancy.

But then she met one of our understanding, committed caregivers. “Susan” sat down with Melissa and calmly explained all of the options available to her, including parenting and adoption. She also provided information about the long-lasting physical and emotional scars that abortion could leave.

When it was time to meet their baby through a professionally administered sonogram, Melissa and her boyfriend were overcome with fear. But as soon as the baby’s image appeared on the monitor, that emotion gave way to elation. As the nurse pointed out the baby’s hands, feet, and strong heartbeat, Melissa and her boyfriend giggled with joy.

While the idea of parenting her baby set in, Melissa wrestled with how she would break the news to her parents. Susan and the clinic staff helped Melissa role-play telling her parents about the baby. They also assisted Melissa in finding a doctor and obtaining health insurance.

mellissasbabyMelissa returned to the women’s care clinic two weeks later, excited to share that her parents were actually supportive of her decision to choose Life for her child. And they were particularly impressed by the compassionate care and practical help that Melissa had received from the HC women’s care clinic. They even invited Susan to attend Melissa’s baby shower!

Today, Melissa and her boyfriend are the proud parents of “Alya,” a strong and happy baby girl.

When asked about the journey from desperately seeking an abortion to choosing Life for her baby, Melissa responded, “All thanks to you, I made this decision. I wonder what would’ve happened if I never went to that clinic.”

Thank you for helping to rescue Baby Alya from abortion. Through your financial and prayerful support of Human Coalition, Melissa, her boyfriend, and Alya are all living testimonies of the fact that compassionate care combined with advanced technology can and does save lives.